
Tungee Prophecy

Customize the intelligent prediction solution exclusive to you and empower efficient sales

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The comprehensive sales prediction model exclusively targeting at Chinese 2B enterprises

Through years of perfection, the original Tungee 2B Sales Prediction Model has been verified by thousands of 2B enterprises. Tungee Prophecy may significantly reduce sales cost and improve sales performance.

What Tungee Prophecy can do for you ?


Accurate mining of new customers

When enterprises have limited customer expansion channels and it is difficult for them to expand the market, Tungee Prophecy may set up the forecasting model according to the previous conditions of customers that made orders, and help customers rapidly discover business opportunities and expand into new market.

Evaluation of existing leads

In front of a large number of leads, Tungee Prophecy may help customers complement, clean and sequence leads and enable customers to gain non-repeated and effective high-quality leads sequenced according to values.

Construction of customer portrait

When enterprise products are diversified and customer constitution is complicated, Tungee Prophecy could analyze the existing customer groups, finish layering and construct enterprise customer portraits of different types.

Judgement of sales occasion

After knowing about the customers with intention, the sales personnel should also know about when to contact customers. According to the behavioral scoring model, Tungee Prophecy judges the intention degree of enterprises, enabling you to select the most proper occasions for sales and improve the sales success rate.

Organization of sales script

Tungee Prophecy enables the sales personnel to rapidly understand the enterprise background, clearly master the business pain spots and existing conditions of enterprises, and further help sales personnel to organize the script ahead of time and conduct more pertinent sales activities.

Fully integrate the existing business systems

Connect and integrate the open support of Tungee Prophecy and your existing business systems (CRM/ERP), comprehensively integrate your current business process and enable your business personnel to enjoy the all-round improvement brought by Prophecy without changing the use habits.

Hand over the complicated analysis work to Tungee Prophecy, and return to the fundamental of sales work

Tungee Prophecy learns by itself and makes your data increasingly accurate

According to the consumption feedback of sales leads, optimize the intelligent sales forecasting model of enterprises. And in long-term it makes the model more accurate.

The performance of our customers increases by several times

CRM Service provider

Customers' cooperation intention rate is increased

90 %

Customers' cooperation intention rate is increased
by 90%

Customers obtain 2,000 potential customers through Tungee per month and effectively improve customers' cooperation intention rate. The project's input-output ratio is far more than 500 times.

Provider of website building services

The efficiency of obtaining enterprise information is improved by

7 times

The efficiency of obtaining enterprise information is improved by 7 times

Customers obtain a large number of sales leads through Tungee per month. It enables the sales team to rapidly know about enterprise background and accurately recognize the demands of potential customers.

Provider of supply chain service

Efficiency of enterprises' background investigation is improved

5 times

Efficiency of enterprises' background investigation is improved by 5 times

Customers obtain 2,000 sales leads through Tungee per month. It effectively helps the sales team improve the efficiency of enterprise background investigation and provide data support for how to designate the pre-paid method for potential customers.

Provider of O2O enterprise meal-ordering service

The acquisition cost of effective leads is reduced by

30 %

The acquisition cost of effective leads is reduced by 30%

Customers obtain 3,000 potential customers through Tungee per month. It effectively improves enterprises' acquisition channels through unstable sales leads, such as ground promotion and enterprises' registration list purchase.


Contact TUNGEE to make sales more efficient