
Tungee Outbound Leads

2B sales leads search platform

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Help you easily obtain the accurate sales leads

Tungee Outbound Leads helps customers find a large number of accurate and valuable sales leads from a great number of enterprises, realize the rapid access to leads,
and finish the full life cycle management of sales leads from access, follow-up, transformation to retention.

  • All-round Galaxy

    Cover over 100 million market entities.
    Over 10,000 data dimensions.

  • Various access methods

    Support multiple access methods, such as telephone, email (EDM) and message.

  • Efficient leads management

    Automation of leads management process.
    Significantly accelerate the leads' conversion rate.

  • Accurate AI recommendation

    AI based on historical cooperative customers.
    AI accurately recommends quality potential customers.

Leads discovery

Leads engagement

Leads management

Leads analysis

Tungee Outbound Leads has cumulatively provided 0 sales leads for 2B enterprises

Enjoy Tungee Outbound Leads at any time and place

The multi-platform helps you rapidly finish the access and follow-up of sales leads, and access mobile office at any time and place.

Enjoy Tungee Outbound Leads at any time and place

Multiple application scenarios suitable for enterprise sales

Rapidly expand the market

Enterprises have limited channels of customer expansion and great difficulty with market expansion. They require a large number of sales leads to fill in the blank and find business opportunities.

Screen high-value customers

Help enterprises select the high-value customers from a huge number of enterprises through the screening of abundant data dimensions, and conduct key follow-up.

Feature analysis of customer group

The algorithm model based on big data and AI analyzes the important characteristics of different customer groups of enterprises and makes the objectives of enterprise sales personnel clearer.

Organization of sales script

Enable the sales personnel to rapidly understand the enterprise background, clearly master the business pain spots and existing conditions of enterprises, and further help sales personnel to better organize the script and conduct more pertinent sales activities.

They are all using Tungee Outbound Leads

They are all using Tungee Outbound Leads
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